Loss of a job can look like the loss of a loved one

To be fired is something with huge impact. You worked hard and have maybe given everything you had but still there is no place for you anymore. That can be very painful. Actually, you enter a grieving process, like you also go through when you loose a loved one. Good to take the time for it.

Also it is good to see what effects this has on you. On your self-image for example. Or on your dreams for the future. And to see where exactly things went wrong. Can you learn from that? And ofcourse, where can you find a new job, especially in the present time where things economically are difficult. When you can't work through this alone, it is good to find help. A coach/counselor can help you both with processing and with making new plans for the future. Feel free to make a non-commital appointment to see if I can help you.