Of all thoughts we have during the whole day most of them are about ourselves. Waste of time!

'Oh no, I am still awake.' 'I think I said something stupid.' 'Why is this happening to me again?' Of all thoughts which storm around in our heads the majority is dedicated to ourselves. We ponder about our behaviour, our emotions and our desires. Especially when life is not as we want it to be. A curse, professor Mark Leary is calling al those thought which we dedicate to ourselves. Ofcourse the ability to think about ourselves consciously has its advantages. That's how we can constrain ourselves, empathize with others and solve problems. But, he writes in his book with the significant title: The curse of the self, all those thoughts dedicated to ourselves are also the biggest source of misery. That you can better not think too much about yourselve is also said by the Hungarian professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. According to his well-known flow theory we are the happiest when we are totally absorbed by what we are doing, and not when we are occupied with ourselves. Like the moment you are skiing down from a mountain top, or are so involved in a project or conversation that time seems to fly. That is, when you forget about yourself. So, stop navel gazing and turn yourself to people/occasions around you. Experience if this works!