To choose joy - against complaining

Prayer by Anselm Grün - from "The courage to decide"

Jesus Christ,

You have spoken in such a way so that people came into contact with joy.
Everywhere I see the negative. I am so weary. I always wait till others make me happy. Till others like me so that I may rejoice in their love and attention. But thereby I make myself dependent on others.
You have shown me a way to choose among all the sadness for joy, amidst the tears for laughter.
There are plenty of things I can be happy with: my health, my body, friends who are loyal to me, the beauty of nature, the sunny day.
But I shut myself off from that joy. I see always reasons to be sad and complain.
Stand in front of me, Jesus, and say to me: "Choose life! Choose happiness! The joy is in you. It's up to you let the joy that is on the basis of your soul rise, through my words, by the experiences of everyday life, the people you love, and let it rise more and more ever until it fills you completely."
Yes, Lord, I want to ask you to put me in touch with the joy that is already in me so that I choose for joy every day.
