Recently, I gave an all day seminar about the subject bullying. Unfortunately bullying is more common than we think. It often starts at primary school. Doctoral research of the University of Groningen showed earlier this year that unfortunately teachers are often not capable enough to effectively address bullying. And that while the role of the teacher determines the number of bullied children in the classroom. A worrying new development on which upto now little research has been done is cyber bullying. It's quite dramatic as the bullies follow you through your phone or computer anywhere and even at home you are no longer safe. Recently we were shocked by teens who suffered so much from this that they saw no other escape than death. Bullying is also quite common at the workplace. More than a quarter of the people in the Netherlands are sometimes bullied by colleagues or their managers. Last year, half a million workers were affected. Asscher from the Ministery of Social Affairs and Labour launched a campaign to combat bullying in the workplace. Yes, even in elderly homes bullying is reported. Bullying has great impact on the children / people who are victims of it, but also on the bullies! Both victims and bullies have great need of care and help because the consequences can dramatically affect the rest of their lives. Get help to stop the bullying and to learn dealing with the negative effects of it. Please contact us if you like to talk about it.